After days and days...rather nights and nights of going to bed at 1, 2, 3 and even 4 a.m. and a couple nights just being wide awake until the sun rose...I've come to the not-so-startling conclusion that I may have a sleeping problem. You think I'm exaggerating or jokin'? Nah,*ts serious.
Where should I start? Welp, I'm a full-time student (who isn't these days) I just ended two summer sessions and the fall semester starts in about 3 weeks, and I'll be taking 17 credit hours then. I've been in school ALL YEAR...that'll drive anyone crazy. I don't work full-time, according to the hours I work, but you can't tell because I'm definitely there just about everyday. My family is great, but they work my nerves sometimes with general BS. THAT'S A WHOLE OTHER BLOG. So I deal with that. Also, I don't eat right...if at all some days. I just get so caught up in doing stuff that I just "grab a bite" instead of getting a full meal. My memory sucks and if I don't write something down I can promise you I'll forget about it. So, in saying that...I'm a little stressed out. I lie awake some nights, not sad or depressed, but just running the next day's agenda through my mind making sure I won't forget anything. Details are important to me, so I do things to make sure I get all the loose ends of whatever I'm doing tied up. Simply put...I keep a lot of crap going on. From the looks of my agenda, you would think I needed a personal assistant (and if I could afford one, I probably would have one lol)
One night, I had enough of the whole "up all night" charade and decided to see my doctor about it. In retrospect, that was probably one of the worst decisions I've made regarding my doctor...besides even PICKING him as my MD. So, he prescribes Ambien to me. I really should've known better, and done more homework on the side-effects of the drug...especially since I work in a pharmacy and have the knowledge of Pharmacists at my disposal (smh). Anyway, after some apprehension, I take the Ambien one night that I was having trouble falling asleep. I figured it would take some time to work, so at like 12:40am I just started doing random housework, waiting for the medicine to make me sleepy. What happens? Nothing. Well at least not at first. I woke up the next morning to a stove full of cooked food which I never ate and furthermore DON'T remember cooking! So, as you can imagine...I was freaked out.
I swore it off and well I'm not much of a medicine taker anyway so I was doing okay. Until one night that I had to be up really early the next morning and was once again, having issues sleeping. Reluctantly, I take 1/2 of a tablet thinking it wouldn't be as bad. Ummm...I was definitely wrong. After taking the tablet, I went straight to my room, turned off the lights and got in bed...thanks to a good friend of mine who always texts me at odd hours of the night...I was up texting instead of sleep. In the midst of our texting, I noticed the light from my phone illuminating my comforter (which is striped) and then clear as effin day, the lines from the stripes were moving in waves...almost snake like! I just laid there trying to reassure myself that I was just trippin', so I put the phone down and turned toward my closet. That was a mistake because, I bullsh*t you not, it looked like one of my shirts was moving in my closet and the effed up thing is I'm watching this happen. I got on the phone and called my mama with the quickness. lol She stayed up with me and talked to me on the phone until I calmed down. She offered to stay the night to which I declined because that meant she had to bring the kids and I wasn't even about to deal w/ that in the middle of night whether I'm buggin' or not **I digress**
After that night I seriously, truly, and honestly refused to take anything...not even a Tylenol PM to get to sleep. It's not damn worth it...I don't think. I later went online and talked with some of my co-workers about sleeping "disorders" and in particular Ambien and its side-effects. Sure enough, hallucinations is a sure-fire side-effect. Needless to say, I threw the remainder of what I had away. People refer to sleep as many things, precious, necessary, and a cousin of death; and I don't know about ya'll, but I'm coo' off some of my cousins and I'm definitely coo' off death for now.
On a happier note, I was able to sleep easier, better and longer on my own. I don't know for sure what happened then that prevented me from getting sleep, but now I have no issue falling asleep. I welcome it! lol I still don't get enough, but that's for the reasons I talked about previously. Now, if I could just get off twitter at a decent hour, I'd be to the beat. lol
IDK, that was a strange experience and further proved to me that there was a reason why I didn't take medicine unless I was in absolute unbearable pain. Oh well, whatever...I can sleep now and that's exactly what I'm about to do.
Goodnight all!!!
Hiding My Heart.
14 years ago
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