This is gonna be a short post, but I just wanted to update you guys on my weekend. To begin, I hope that all of you had a great weekend, and you arrived at your Monday safely.
So, Saturday was meant to be a day devoted to searching for a new apartment, because my lease will be up soon and I'm interested in moving into a new place. I get dressed and go through all the rituals of "gettin' right" for my day...meet my BFF at her place and get the exciting news that someone she knows, knows someone who's having a tattoo party. Tattoo you say??!! Ummhumm, I'm down like a clinically depressed braud. So, we saddle up (lol) and head there.
Now, I had two tattoos already and had previously sworn that I would never get tattooed at a tattoo party. Mainly, because I've seen some of the work that people have gotten from artists that do tattoo parties and um...well...it usually sucks mucho arse. However, this time was a little different. I watched the guy tattoo somewhere around four people and he was very legit, safe and clean with each person he tattooed. That made me feel better. So after hours of sitting at someone's house, watching this guy tatt folk up; it was finally my turn.

I can't even begin to lie...I was nervous, the sound from a tattoo gun is NO b*tch lemme tell ya. I don't know how people use tattoos as a therapeutic medium, because nothing is relaxing about pain...in my opinion. Anywhoz...I looked through magazine after magazine, searched website after website, but couldn't think of one thing that I truly wanted tattooed on my body forever. I know that people generally say
, never get anything you wouldn't want to look at on your body 10 years from now. That saying is true, but I threw caution to the wind and got 3 stars. LOL Nope, 3 stars doesn't mean anything in particular to me besides the fact that I love stars (they're wishful).

Once, we got the design figured up the painful process began...there were at least 4 times when I thought for sure I was gonna tell him, "forget it, I don't want a tatt anymore", because it hurt THAT bad. I made it through the whole ordeal though...bleeding and in pain. No tears tho' :) So...here's some pics.

Enjoy...and once again...don't get anything that you really don't want. This tatt doesn't have any serious meaning, but it's something I like and I enjoy.
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