
Okay ladies and gentlemen, for those that don't know me, I work for a large retail pharmacy chain. (Which would probably be in my best interest NOT to name) The job's cool. I've learned a lot, met some interesting people, worked alongside brilliant pharmacists who are well versed in their field. In general, I think it's an okay position.
Yet, with every good thing, comes 15 million bad things. Working in a pharmacy, especially of the retail variety is highly stressful. People are weirdos...and lucky for me, I get to deal with all these society misfits on a daily basis. Okay, I'll admit...I'm being waaaay nicer in this blog than I really feel like I should be. So, with that said let me tell ya'll the type of day I've had at work...well, let me just tell you about what goes on.
First, I used to work for a store that did a high volume of Medicaid. I have nothing against Medicaid, I find it to be a great program and very helpful for those who cannot afford their own health insurance, are unemployed and otherwise disabled or have children that need healthcare. Those reasons, totally valid and understandable. BUT for some people, Medicaid is supposed to be the "free crutch". These are the people who come into the pharmacy, doctor's offices, etc...and expect for everything to be free just because they're on Medicaid. Um, no boo boo. Nothing in life is free, and having Medicaid doesn't make you privilaged to any perks...it actually puts you at a disadvantage.
Working in the pharmacy, we meet all types of people from all different walks of life. Most of them unfortunately are bum a$$ people who don't care about themselves, or anyone else. In my opinion, anyone who wakes up in the morning and starts their day without giving the mirror as much as a glance, is gross. Do you not see the sleep in your eyes? I don't see how you can't cause I spotted it across the counter when you walked into the store. Does it not matter to you that your hair is ALL over your head... you didn't even bother to comb it? Do you care that you just walked in here smelling like yesterday's trash? I mean seriously, as a people we have to do better, but we can't necessarily help each and every individual. Some people just have to find their own way.
One of our pharmacy's ways of ensuring the correct package is sent to the correct patient is by doing an address verification. So, when someone picks something up, we ask a VERY simple question. "What is your address?" You would think we asked people to recite back to us all of Newton's Laws or something, because that one question gives people that famous 'deer in the headlights' look. I mean seriously, where do you freakin' live? We get everything from, "You might have my mama's address, but I live at (insert address here)" to people telling us their life story about why they moved 15 times in the last year. It gets beyond frustrating, when you're required to ask this question to each patient and more than half of them can't just answer the damned question. We all fall on hard times, and sometimes I am even persuaded to think that hard times just decide to fall on us, but why DO you move so much? Stop trying to live off of government assistance, spending your children's child support checks and acting like you're "balling" and just do what normal self-sufficient people do and GET A JOB!!
Saying that brings me to another point. As I've said before, there are a number of good reasons why someone should be eligible to receive goverment funding and for those people, I'm sure it's deserved. However, there are a good sh*tload of people who get on these government programs as a way to extend their hustle. There's no reason for you to get food stamps, a welfare check AND Medicaid healthcare coverage and you drive a 2008 BMW 325i. NO REASON. If you're dating the neighborhood dope man, then maybe you should re-evaluate your situation and find someone more stable. Let's face it, if he gets caught-up the police are seizing everything you own anyway...might as well find something legitimate now.
The bullsh*it is never-ending when you work in healthcare, because you meet a variety of people and they all carry their issues in the door with them. Rich folks are no better. I've recently been transferred to a store that is in a more well to-do part of the city and some of them are crazier than Stephon Marbury on Twitter. They're only exception is that most of them have cash and they don't care about how much something costs...the downside with that is, money can't always buy everything.
The "rich people" stories are different. A lot of them are going through divorces and sometimes, if you're lucky and you came to work on the right day, you'll watch their whole marriage unfold right in the line as they tell ALL THEIR BUSINESS in a waiting room full of people. You can catch spoiled rich kids get one over on their parents as they swindle money off their parents' credit cards using our easy pay option. And of course, like any place that has narcotics, you see the variety of drug addicts come through. They usually have more lies than a Russian spy.
By the end of the work day, I just want them all out of my face. Get gone and take ya BS withcha!
One of our pharmacy's ways of ensuring the correct package is sent to the correct patient is by doing an address verification. So, when someone picks something up, we ask a VERY simple question. "What is your address?" You would think we asked people to recite back to us all of Newton's Laws or something, because that one question gives people that famous 'deer in the headlights' look. I mean seriously, where do you freakin' live? We get everything from, "You might have my mama's address, but I live at (insert address here)" to people telling us their life story about why they moved 15 times in the last year. It gets beyond frustrating, when you're required to ask this question to each patient and more than half of them can't just answer the damned question. We all fall on hard times, and sometimes I am even persuaded to think that hard times just decide to fall on us, but why DO you move so much? Stop trying to live off of government assistance, spending your children's child support checks and acting like you're "balling" and just do what normal self-sufficient people do and GET A JOB!!
Saying that brings me to another point. As I've said before, there are a number of good reasons why someone should be eligible to receive goverment funding and for those people, I'm sure it's deserved. However, there are a good sh*tload of people who get on these government programs as a way to extend their hustle. There's no reason for you to get food stamps, a welfare check AND Medicaid healthcare coverage and you drive a 2008 BMW 325i. NO REASON. If you're dating the neighborhood dope man, then maybe you should re-evaluate your situation and find someone more stable. Let's face it, if he gets caught-up the police are seizing everything you own anyway...might as well find something legitimate now.
The bullsh*it is never-ending when you work in healthcare, because you meet a variety of people and they all carry their issues in the door with them. Rich folks are no better. I've recently been transferred to a store that is in a more well to-do part of the city and some of them are crazier than Stephon Marbury on Twitter. They're only exception is that most of them have cash and they don't care about how much something costs...the downside with that is, money can't always buy everything.
The "rich people" stories are different. A lot of them are going through divorces and sometimes, if you're lucky and you came to work on the right day, you'll watch their whole marriage unfold right in the line as they tell ALL THEIR BUSINESS in a waiting room full of people. You can catch spoiled rich kids get one over on their parents as they swindle money off their parents' credit cards using our easy pay option. And of course, like any place that has narcotics, you see the variety of drug addicts come through. They usually have more lies than a Russian spy.
By the end of the work day, I just want them all out of my face. Get gone and take ya BS withcha!

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