That made sense right? Well, it made sense to me in my head..(just kidding). I'm currently riding a wave of pain meds that doesn't seem too bad. I'm actually feeling, well...I'm feeling quite wavy baby lol.
This morning, I woke up bright and early at 5:00am *when I had just gone to bed at 3am* to drive myself to the hospital. No urgent rush...just, ya know...a lil' surgery. 0_o So, I'm in my sweat pants, hair tied, driving with no make-up on (literally) early in the morning, barely awake, praying to God to not only allow me to arrive at the hospital safely, but please just keep me awake long enough to get there!
I arrive at the hospital and it's a very strange feeling, because at 5:40 something in the morning, it's still dark and're like the only person outside. Going inside hospitals always made me queasy, mostly because they all have this 'scent'. My mama says it smells like sickness & death, and although I find that to be a macabre way of putting it, she's kinda right.
Anywhoz, half sleep and completely groggy I find my way to registration, get checked in and get sent upstairs to surgery. The surgery registration lady, Mary, greeted me and asked the question of the day "are you here alone?" **side note: I was there alone, and practically spent the entire day @ the hospital alone, because my mom had "other things 2 do" - that's a story within we're gonna stick to the main idea here** So, I proceed to tell Mary that my mother had to put the kids (my brother's and sisters) in school and that she would be on her way shortly. Then, Mary says, "well, I'll just be your mom until she gets here." To be polite, I laughed it off and smiled at that remark, but I was officially DONE with Mary after that. A) I'm grown, don't really need assistance and B) I have a mom...don't need your offer.
While, checking me in, Mary begins to give me the rundown on my doctor and anesthesiologist. She begins to tell me how great they are as people, how they are such wonderful doctors, how they can move heaven and earth (OK, she didn't say that, but may as well have), and they were "kind". I'm thinking, 'great, she's talking them all up, but I could be dealing with crazy folks in the operating room." To end, mindless chatter with Mary, I once again, laugh it off, smile and take my seat far across the waiting room lol.
~~~also, for the patients who came in to be registered after me, Mary had nothing but nice things to say about all the doctors...I don't know about ya'll, but I saw those Md's pictures on the handout she gave me, and some of 'em looked a bit shifty-eyed if you catch my drift, they can't all be stellar.~~~
"Danada Hart..." I hear my name, get up and meet with my nurse, Diane. I was immediately put at ease because she was nice and she shared the same name as my granny :) So, I get in my room, go through the dreaded act of putting on those funky lil' hospital gowns, and try my best to cover up my buns (lol). Even, after all of this, it's still only 6:20am & mind you, I had only slept for an hour so I was good and sleepy. I dozed off for a second, and Nurse Diane came in again, this time, it was to get my IV in... 0_0 I have 3 tattoos, but I seriously despise any kind of needle action lol.

Usually, when it comes to the needles my biggest issue is that I have "small veins" and well generally it takes numerous needle sticks before they find a vein willing to cooperate. Nurse Diane was the sh*t though, because she got smart...wrapped my arm in a heated towel told me to be still for 15 minutes came back and bam! one of my veins decided to make a guest appearance for the event. As you can still left some bruising. smh
Let's fast forward a bit to the actual operating room. I've always been under the impression that once you go under, the doctors, nurses and anesthesiologists are probably madd silly and unprofessional...because it's not like they need to impress you anymore, you're unconscious. So during my moment of "going under" (which by the way sucks a lot of a$$ because that anesthesia burns like hell, your eyes become like weights and your respiratory system seems to just stop working). Anywho, I managed to get my last chuckles in when one of the nurses said, "It's pretty warm in here" and the anesthesiologist replied "probably because you've had your legs open..." Ya'll if I wasn't going under I would've laughed harder, but she (the nurse) must have noticed I heard it because she followed his comment with "I wonder how HR {human resources} would like that." (lmao) Afterwards....I was in a dreamland so deep I don't even remember it.
Post-op was great. I was so high off anesthesia and Vicodin that I wasn't even able to chew my Teddy Grahams the recovery room nurse gave me. I would start eating one, then fall asleep mid-chew...wake up and finish it 5 minutes later (lmao, gross. i know) The experience wasn't bad. The hospital staff had me at ease and besides the OR blunder, they were all very professional.
On a better note, I still have BOTH of my ovaries! YAY! && I'm still riding the wave of a pain med least until the post-op pain stops :-/
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