Thursday, August 20, 2009

Inspire One, Lead a Thousand

Wow...I'm touched.

Today, I was on BBM with a good friend of mine, whom I had lost some contact with for a over a year. Since we've been bbm'ing each other, it's just been general "catching up" conversation. She's one of those people who I respect because I've never seen her change her standards for anyone. In other words, she's always kept it beyond real and greater than 100.

As I said, we were on bbm and she began to express to me that I was a "role model" for her and she had always looked up to me. I was absolutely floored by her comment, because although she's made a statement similar to that in the past, I just kind of dismissed it as a joke. I certainly never looked at myself as anyone that another person who want to model themselves after. I own no perfections.

I titled this blog as a play on words fashioned after the tagline from the movie Wanted, "Kill one, save a thousand." Well, I'm certainly not here promoting that, but I do believe that if your life and actions can spark something in one person's soul. Once you reach one person, the sky's the limit; you can usually reach others too.

I want to be a voice in the world one day. Not a big name or this uber famous personality, but someone who is able to move and motivate. I would like to inspire change and harvest self-love and acceptance. I still have a long way to go on myself, because I can't lead anyone if I'm lost at some things myself. I'm working on it though, bear with me.