Ok ya'll I know...I know...for those few subscribers that I had to begin with, I totally understand if you jumped off the bandwagon because I was M.I.A. for so long. I'll be sad, but I don't blame ya.
Trust me, it's okay. I disappeared from Twitter for a while too. <---but most of all of my followers held me down. So "woot woot" to ya'll.
Anywhoz, there's more to blog about than what I think should be written in ONE post so over the next few days I'll be catching you guys up on the foolishness, great moments, sad times and whatever other randomness went on in my life over the past few months.
First things first...I'm Preggers McGreggers. Yup, you read right. 'Ms. I'm-neva-havin'-kids' is a little over 5 months pregnant, and I'm actually SUPER excited about it. Unfortunately, due to changes with Dr.'s and whatnot, I don't know what's kicking around down there, but trust me; when I know, you too shall know. :) So, I'll try posting ultrasound pics and whatnot soon.
Secondly...for all the women who are single mothers and have to deal with "baby daddy drama" I have a whole new glorious appreciation for you. Geez Louise ya'll are strong.
Let's see...what else? Hmm...well...as soon as I can I'm trying to upload videos to my YouTube channel http://www.youtube.com/dyhart86 I'll basically be talking about beauty (makeup, skin care, hair, accessories, etc.) It's not going to get too much into fashion, because although I love to shop and buy clothes, it can get quite tedious trying to keep up with all of that via YouTube. :)
So, anyway my Lovlies. I'm so glad to be back with you and I hope that you're glad to be reading my rants and raves yet again, because I'm pulling out my soapbox to spread the gospel about life's foolishness lol So, grab your church fans cuz it's gonna get HOT!
Peace & Love...and a little eyeshadow too :)
Hiding My Heart.
14 years ago
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